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psp魔法飞球-What the Taylor Swift endorsement of Kamala Harris means for the November election

时间:2024-09-20 14:59:15 来源:平心而论网 作者:游戏 阅读:764次
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close Trump reacts to Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris: 'I like Mrs. Mahomes much better'Video

Trump reacts to Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris: 'I like Mrs. Mahomes much better'

Former President Trump touts 'big MAGA fan' Brittany Mahomes when asked about pop star Taylor Swift's post-debate endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Democrats believe Taylor Swift's recent endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris could encourage more young voters to turn out in November, but recent polling indicates the pop star's support might not greatly affect voter decisions at the ballot box.


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